线上购物 文档


注意! Some of 的 modules may not be included into your template package. This section describes configuration of all modules that are used in our templates. Each template pack is provided with a set of modules which is included into 的 design of this specific template.


You need to register on 的 official 网站 in order to use on-line chat built in 的 template, fill in all 的 required information 和 receive 的 code Olark Site-ID.

You can get a free trial 6-month bronze package. 为了让它跟着 link,填写您的注册资料.
In order to configure 的 on-line chat, you need to perform 的 following steps:
  1. 打开线上购物管理面板. Navigate to 的 CMS 菜单项 和 click it, in 的 drop-down menu navigate to 的 小部件 项. Once 的 new page is opened, 单击 添加新的小部件实例 button.
  2. 在下拉菜单中 类型 选择 Olark在线聊天, in 的 menu 设计包/主题 select your store skin to display 的 chat. 单击 继续 button.
  3. Now you need to configure 的 display of 的 on-line chat. 作为第一步,实地考察 小部件实例标题 type in 的 name of 的 widget, which will be displayed in 的 admin panel. 在野外 分配给存储视图 you need to 选择 store view, which will display 的 chat. 在街区里 布局更新 单击 添加布局更新 button. 在野外 显示在 你必须做出选择 所有页面. 实地考察 块参考 选择 主要内容区.
  4. 点击链接 小部件选项 在左侧栏中. On 的 right side you will see 的 field in which you need to insert 的 Olark Site-ID. 一旦你的 Olark Site-ID ,点击 保存 button.
  5. 在新窗口中导航到 System -> Cache Management 菜单项. 在街区里 缓存存储管理 检查 布局阻止HTML输出 项目. 确保在战场上 行动刷新 选中项目,单击 提交.

全部完成! Now you can visit your 网站 和 see 的 widget for 的 on-line chat.

You can also take a look at 的 following instructions:


The Sharing Tool settings allows you to choose how 的 icons are displayed. The recommended settings are shown in 的 picture.


There is an opportunity to add 博客(AHEADWORKS扩展)到你的网站.

  1. 博客设置可以在 博客 > Settings, or System > Configuration > AHEADWORKS扩展 > 博客.
  2. 第一个选项卡 博客 > Settings,包括博客基本设置.
  3. The rest of 的 tabs allow to configure: record type, 日期显示, 评论显示, 启用验证码和新闻提要.


Given module substitutes st和ard menu with 的 menu which allows to configure 的 display of two level subcategories, add static blocks to 的 dropdown menu, 添加标签, 显示产品, 等.

MegaMenu is included into 的 template 默认情况下, you can enable/disable it in System > Configuration > MEGAMENU > Mega Menu.
  1. Display of each dropdown menu can be configured on 的 category settings page, which is located in Catalog > Manage Categories.
  2. In order to add a static block to a dropdown menu, you need to add a static block in CMS > Static Blocks 和 once it was created add it to 的 menu.
  3. Module allows to add 的 label for any category. 您可以在类别菜单中进行此操作 Catalog > Manage Categories.
  4. In order to change 的 number of columns in subcategories you need to change 的 Level column Count value in 的 menu Catalog > Manage Categories.


Parallax block can be set by adding 的 part of code to 的 *.phtml 模板文件. In order to add Parallax-effect to a certain content block you need:
  1. To add any class for Parallax-effect block (e.g., Parallax),并加入 data-source-url="{{skin url='images/your_images.jpg}}” 属性.
  2. To add an image into 的 images folder skin\frontend\default\的meXXX\images\.
  3. 控件中添加样式 skin\frontend\default\的meXXX\css\style.css 文件:
    		背景图片:url (../图片/ Parallax-img.jpg);
    		背景位置:50% 0%;
    		宽度:3500 px;
    		margin-left: -1750 px;
  4. 添加到 skin\frontend\default\的meXXX\js\scripts.js 编写以下代码:
    	var isMobile = /Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|IEmobile|Windows Phone|WPDesktop/i.测试(导航器.userAgent);
    	if(!isMobile) {  
    	    如果(jQuery(“.Parallax”).长度){jQuery(“.Parallax”).cherryFixedParallax({  反:真, 

变量 反:真 indicates 的 direction of 的 Parallax effect, 和 偏移量:300 表示它的密度.


In order to implement 的 background video, you need to use 的jquery.mb.YTPlayer plug-in, which allows to display YouTube video.Video can be added by means of 的 static block, including 的 script file jquery.mb.YTPlayer.js 和 by adding corresponding 属性s set for 的 element which will display 的 video.

Let’s emphasize basic parameters for 的 数据属性 属性:

videoURL - is a link for 的 background video you want to display.
质量 - displayed video 质量 (‘default’ or “small”, “medium”, “large”, “hd720”, “hd1080”, “highres”).
容器 - 默认情况下, “self” is used to indicate 的 block, 哪个会包含视频, 如果在脚本中初始化.
不透明度 - adjusts 的 video transparency by values from 0 to 1.
循环 - enables/disables video replay (true/false).
showControls - 启用控件显示.
沉默的 - 是声音取消.
startAt - determines 的 second from which 的 video will start.
stopAt - determines 的 time at which 的 video will stop.
播放 - 启用视频自动播放功能.


Cookies are small text files which 网站s place on visitors’ computers. They’re typically used to identify 的 particular visitors 和 provide 的m with a better experience. Cookies present a crucial part of many 网站 functions which we take for granted.

例如, it’s usually 的 cookies which allow online shops to remember what 项目 you have in your shopping cart. They’re also used to keep you logged into a 网站 or to provide valuable usage statistics 和 information to 的 网站 owners.

If you run a 网站, it almost certainly uses cookies. Their most likely function is to monitor visitor numbers 和 behaviours through 的 tools like Google Analytics. They may also be used to display relevant adverts to visitors. Cookies also power 的 key parts of your online shopping system.

26th May 2012 - The ICO released a change to 的 Cookie policy. Starting from that moment "implied consent" is allowed as long as you make it clear where your privacy/cookie policy is.

Following 的 Cookie Law conditions, you should add 的 appropriate modules to your 网站 that will display a warning message about 的 cookies used on your 网站. We can recommend 的 following ones: