On Alpha Matte. Wide shot. Mockup 蓝色的 screen. 一名穿着时髦的男子戴着医用口罩手持空白标语牌,阿尔法频道. Professional shot in 4K resolution. 53. You can use it e.g. 在你的...
On Alpha Matte. Wide shot. 年轻快乐迷人的红衣女子在阿尔法频道发短信. Professional shot in 4K resolution. 023. You can use it e.g. 在你的 commercial video,...
On Alpha Matte. Wide shot. Mockup 蓝色的 screen. 戴着医用口罩的学生手持空白标语牌,阿尔法通道. Professional shot in 4K resolution. 53. You can use it e.g. 在你的 medical, commercial...
On Alpha Matte. Wide shot. Walk in and out of the frame. 一群建筑工人走在框架里跳舞,阿尔法通道. Professional shot in 4K resolution. 4151. You can use it e.g. 在你的...
On Alpha Matte. Wide shot. 在Alpha频道,年轻人戴着面具做手势,竖起大拇指. Professional shot in 4K resolution. 53. You can use it e.g. 在你的 medical, commercial video,...