简历- ppt演示模板
简历- ppt演示模板是一个现代和干净的产品,可以帮助您创建专业, editable, and visually appealing CVs and resumes.
Sales: 8
Performance deck_tech deck ppt

Performance deck_tech deck ppt by aiyanna-nadikerianda

7 completely animated slides, completely editable, custom BG, custom logo, animated cover slide — Custom logo, custom cover, Tech glass theme, — Content Editable as needed
Sales: 1
现在你不需要花时间准备复杂的幻灯片了. 只需下载此演示文稿,并在几次点击中替换文本和图像. Have more time preparing your speech. Easy to use and...
Sales: 1
Grecep Express Powerpoint Template
如果你想创建一个干净、现代的演示文稿来打动你的观众,那就别再犹豫了. 用于Microsoft Powerpoint的grep Express演示模板包含41张外观流畅的幻灯片...
thunderbold ppt演示模板
本商业计划演示模板是为任何类型的商业使用而精心制作的. 功能强大,商业计划已被监控. Based on real business topics
Sales: 1